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Lee Jia Qi's live recommendation for a truffle chocolate 200g bag of elasticity for a May Bardan lollipop snack
Lee Jia Qi's live recommendation for a truffle chocolate 200g bag of elasticity for a May Bardan lollipop snack
Lee Jia Qi's live recommendation for a truffle chocolate 200g bag of elasticity for a May Bardan lollipop snack
Lee Jia Qi's live recommendation for a truffle chocolate 200g bag of elasticity for a May Bardan lollipop snack

Lee Jia Qi's live recommendation for a truffle chocolate 200g bag of elasticity for a May Bardan lollipop snack

ManufacturerLong Hai Yumega Food Co. Ltd.
BrandTing Wang
Method of salePackaging
Commodity bar code6952236654112
Packaging seriesBox / Package Series
Imported or notYes
Production permit numberSc108355068101790
SpeciesBlack chocolate.
Validation period365
Date of production12.1
Net content (specify)200.
Packaging specifications200 boxes.
Hot month.All year
Product categoryBlack chocolate.
Cocoa fat / cocoa contentLess than 30%
Storage conditionsTemperature

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