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Zazita's Cream Chestnut Chestnuts, Mini-Franco Fruit Loafer.
Zazita's Cream Chestnut Chestnuts, Mini-Franco Fruit Loafer.
Zazita's Cream Chestnut Chestnuts, Mini-Franco Fruit Loafer.
Zazita's Cream Chestnut Chestnuts, Mini-Franco Fruit Loafer.

Zazita's Cream Chestnut Chestnuts, Mini-Franco Fruit Loafer.

ManufacturerChinan Anja Food Company Limited
CategoryBiscuit expansion
Method of salePackaging
Is it real food?Yes
Imported or notYes
Commodity bar codeTen thousand thousand.
ProducerChinan Anja Food Company Limited
Storage methodsSeal
Date of production12 September 2023-17 April 2024
Validation period300 days
Net content (specify)200.
Production permit numberSC1113770300398
Packaging specificationsSquare shells, rectangular shells, triangle shells, cream turquoise shells, coconut turquoise shells, cocoa turquoise shells, beet root shells, medium turquoise shells, carbon burn shells, Count's shells, chocolate shells, vanilla turquoise shells, spinach shells, mini-shells, spinach shells, spinach shells, spinach shells, spinach shells, spinach shells, spinach shells, spinach shells, lynch shells, lynch plasters.
Hot month.All year
Is it sugary?Sugar
Storage conditionsTemperature
Table of ingredientsEggs, wheat powder, sugar.

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