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Stable power is ready-to-eat cucumber.
Stable power is ready-to-eat cucumber.
Stable power is ready-to-eat cucumber.
Stable power is ready-to-eat cucumber.

Stable power is ready-to-eat cucumber.

ManufacturerDalian Solid Power Source Biotech Co. Ltd.
CategoryTraditional supplements.
Product nameSea cucumber.
Method of salePackaging
Production permit numberSC122210211103553
BrandSolid Power Sources
Imported or notYes
OriginLiaoning Dalian City
Validation period12 months
Storage methodsTemperature
AttentionIt's not a substitute for drugs.
GoodsI'm going to put in a cucumber-cracker.
It's not for people.Other
FoodI'm ready.
Unit of measureBox
Packaging specifications*One box of cucumber gel box.
Storage conditionsTemperature
Production processHigh temperature eradication.
Product certificationYes
Whether the gift boxIt's the box.
Product categoryVladivostok
CharacteristicsNational tide style
Raw materials and ingredientsSea cucumber, gel, chicken, etc.
Net weight (specify)1040g

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