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The solid power source, the Golden Tofu, is a free-for-all, hot-for-heat, hot-for-heat, ready-to-eat, commercial-eat-for-all.
The solid power source, the Golden Tofu, is a free-for-all, hot-for-heat, hot-for-heat, ready-to-eat, commercial-eat-for-all.
The solid power source, the Golden Tofu, is a free-for-all, hot-for-heat, hot-for-heat, ready-to-eat, commercial-eat-for-all.
The solid power source, the Golden Tofu, is a free-for-all, hot-for-heat, hot-for-heat, ready-to-eat, commercial-eat-for-all.

The solid power source, the Golden Tofu, is a free-for-all, hot-for-heat, hot-for-heat, ready-to-eat, commercial-eat-for-all.

ManufacturerDalian Solid Power Source Biotech Co. Ltd.
Type of productChinese dish
BrandSolid Power Sources
Imported or notYes
GoodsThe Grim North Zhufu jumps.
Validation period12 months
Date of productionSee packing
ProducerDalian Solid Power Source Biotech Co. Ltd.
Production permit numberSC122210211103553
Storage methodsTemperature
Net weight (specify)150g
Packaging MethodPackaging
Packaging specificationsNorth Pole Zhufu jump wall 150g/ bowl.
Raw materials and ingredientsSea cucumbers, abalone, fish glue, etc.
Commodity bar code6971491623808
Storage conditionsTemperature
Product certificationYes
Product standard numberQ / GLY 0002S
Whether to support proxy processingSupport handpoint custom OEM proxy processing
Product categoryIt's a one-man leap.

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