Ngôn ngữ trình duyệt của bạn hiện đang là tiếng Việt. Bạn có muốn chuyển sang trang tiếng Việt không?Chuyển sang trang tiếng Việt
The factory sells orchids for 140 g of free-time nut and beef.
The factory sells orchids for 140 g of free-time nut and beef.
The factory sells orchids for 140 g of free-time nut and beef.
The factory sells orchids for 140 g of free-time nut and beef.

The factory sells orchids for 140 g of free-time nut and beef.

ManufacturerAnhui Xinjiang Agricultural Technology Ltd.
BrandZhong Guang Yi Zhong
Product categoryPeas.
Pulse varietiesPeas.
Method of salePackaging
Commodity bar code6970560320372
Packaging seriesShorter series
Validation period300.
Imported or notYes
Production permit numberSC10134012105161
ProducerZhongqian Agricultural Trade Co. Ltd.
Date of productionSee the back of the packaging
Storage methodsDark and dry.
Raw materials and ingredientsPeas, etc.
Whether to wear a shellShell
Hot month.All year
Storage conditionsTemperature

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