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Nutritional Vitamin K floppy capsules OEM tablet foods, process custom
Nutritional Vitamin K floppy capsules OEM tablet foods, process custom
Nutritional Vitamin K floppy capsules OEM tablet foods, process custom
Nutritional Vitamin K floppy capsules OEM tablet foods, process custom

Nutritional Vitamin K floppy capsules OEM tablet foods, process custom

ManufacturerXianxiang Chiu Health Technology Ltd.
CategoryHealth food
Product nameVitamin K floppy capsule
Main raw materialsVitamin K2 (fermentation)
Imported or notYes
Date of production2020-8-1
Validation period24 months
Health functionVitamin K supplementation
It's not for people.Children
AttentionIt is not a substitute for drugs. This product is not recommended for consumption by groups outside the appropriate population. It is not appropriate to eat more than the recommended amount or at the same time as the same nutrient
Suitable people.Persons aged 14-17 and adults, pregnant women, nursing mothers who need vitamin K2 supplementation
Food methodsFor chewing.
SiteHulling Health Park, 4 East River, Yang Ling Demonstration District, Shaanxi Province
Plant NameXianxiang Chiu Health Technology Ltd.
CharacterFood ready G2018810823
Consumption1 daily, 1 grain per day
Efficacy ingredients / Significant constituents and contentVitamin K 67.5 ug per grain
Minimum start-up batch5,000 bottles.
Production permit numberSC10661040360085
Is it a gift box?Yes

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