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Pancakes, non-almond slices of budan ox-cracker bread, baking material.
Pancakes, non-almond slices of budan ox-cracker bread, baking material.
Pancakes, non-almond slices of budan ox-cracker bread, baking material.
Pancakes, non-almond slices of budan ox-cracker bread, baking material.

Pancakes, non-almond slices of budan ox-cracker bread, baking material.

ManufacturerQingdao Plum Food Co. Ltd.
BrandBae Yu
Product categorytonsils / Baldam
Method of saleBulk
Imported or notYes
OriginQingdao, Shandong
Production permit numberSC118377021403705
Validation period365
Product standard numberGB 19300
ProducerQingdao Plum Food Co. Ltd.
Date of productionSee packing
Storage methodsTemperature
Raw materials and ingredientstonsils.
Whether to wear a shellPlum.
Whether hands are strippedIt's not a hand strip.
Do you want to talk?Don't talk.
Net content (specify)11.34 kg / Boxes
Packaging specifications11.34kg / Box, 1000g / Bag
Hot month.All year
Storage conditionsTemperature
Production processThe skin, the slices.

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