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Large NHP whole tonsils, 16-18 skins. Bardanwood is sold in boxes.
Large NHP whole tonsils, 16-18 skins. Bardanwood is sold in boxes.
Large NHP whole tonsils, 16-18 skins. Bardanwood is sold in boxes.
Large NHP whole tonsils, 16-18 skins. Bardanwood is sold in boxes.

Large NHP whole tonsils, 16-18 skins. Bardanwood is sold in boxes.

ManufacturerEast Chang City Spice Food Company Ltd.
Product categorytonsils / Baldam
Method of salePackaging
Commodity bar code7448845541522
Packaging seriesShorter series
Imported or notYes.
Country/ area of originAustralia
Validation period24 months
Product standard numberSee packing
ProducerSee packing
Date of productionKeep it updated.
Storage methodsHiding
Raw materials and ingredientsBaldam.
Whether to wear a shellPlum.
Whether hands are strippedIt's not a hand strip.
Do you want to talk?Speak.
Net content (specify)22.68kg
Packaging specifications16-18NP 22.68KG
Hot month.All year
Storage conditionsTemperature

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