Ngôn ngữ trình duyệt của bạn hiện đang là tiếng Việt. Bạn có muốn chuyển sang trang tiếng Việt không?Chuyển sang trang tiếng Việt
A chicken gravy, a chicken gravy, a chicken gravy.
A chicken gravy, a chicken gravy, a chicken gravy.
A chicken gravy, a chicken gravy, a chicken gravy.
A chicken gravy, a chicken gravy, a chicken gravy.

A chicken gravy, a chicken gravy, a chicken gravy.

ManufacturerWenzhou Queens Food Co. Ltd.
CategoryMeat snacks.
Validation period365 days
Product standard numberQ / WSK 0002S
Imported or notYes
BrandSANCOR / Disco
ProducerWenzhou Queens Food Co. Ltd.
Production processFry.
CategoryChicken chest.
Method of saleBulk
Date of productionThe last three months.
Storage methodsKeep it warm and avoid sunlight.
Raw materials and ingredientsChicken chest, salt, white wine, white sugar, peppers, spices for food, food additives
Packaging seriesShorter series
Production permit numberSC104330300373
Hot month.All year
Storage conditionsTemperature

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